ReklessCreati0n is doing a great job so far animating the first episode of this new series.
The two men in the attached picture are also voice by me, Hank and William.
Not to mention I voice one of the main characters called Nathan, you saw him in the previous post I made.
I'm really excited about working on this, so I really hope you all will take a look at it when the first episode is done!
You're all awesome... you guys who actually read this...
My profile page feels kinda deserted, so leave a comment on this post to let me know who you are and that you were here!
Let me know what you think about this project, if it's looking good or not. (It's looking good... just say it does) lol
hey man this looks exciting!
i'm looking forward for this, I liked your voice demos, so this is going to be great :)
and btw you replied to me earlier with alot of care so you know, i'm gonna do the same !
Hah! Thanks for returning the love!
Yeah, this really gets me pumped. Only bad thing is that animating takes such a long time.
But I can't really complain, I mean, the quality of his animating is pretty good!
I'm glad I could be part of this project as my first ever voice acting project ever!
Glad to see you on here, and thank you for the kind words.